Custom Field per Size import is used to update custom fields that have the Per Size option enabled.
See how to Import and where to select the type of Import: HERE
The following columns are the default ones - with a description of where to find the data.
Headers in Excel | Explanation | Example of data |
BRAND: | The Style Brand name in the Style Header | |
STYLE NAME: | Style Name in the Style Header | |
STYLE NO: | Style No in the Style Header | |
SEASON: | Is the Season name in the Style Header. If your company uses Project, make sure you do not include the Project name | |
SUPPLIER ID: | Supplier ID can be found in Admin->Supplier under the respective Supplier company | |
COLOR ID: | This is the Color ID - can be found either on the Style Item List or in Admin->Colors. Please see the illustration below | |
COLOR ID2: | This is the Color ID2 (if used) - can be found either on the Style Item List or in Admin->Colors. Please see the illustration below |
How to find the Size ID, and Size Name in Admin->Sizes

With this update - it is only possible to update Style Custom Fields that are Per Size.
You can update any kind of Custom Field via the Update functionality as long as it is Per Color.
The syntax for updating Custom Fields depends on what kind of Custom Field you want to update and what kind of data you have available.
For most Custom Fields you need to use the syntax CF:ID.

From the illustration above your syntax would be "CF:4711" in the header.
In the column, you will then enter the values you want for that Custom Field - say "11" since it is a Numeric one.
For Allowed Value Custom Fields (and Hierarchy Custom Fields) you can use two types of syntax.
The one just explained and one of type CFID:ID - let us look at two examples.

- For the CF:ID your Column header would be "CF:12: and the value in the column would be "Yellow flag"
- If instead you only have the Allowed ID to work with your syntax would be "CFID:12" in the header and in the column, you will then enter the ID - in this case, "3"
If you need to add multiple per size values for the same Custom Field - you will need to add one line for each Size in your excel sheet.