
Size Ranges Setup

Size Ranges are required to add sizes to your styles and create measurement charts.

Introduction and Best Practice 

Size range is used to determine the sizes within a product. It can be used to define sample request sizes and create a measurement chart.

If you only have one size, you still need to create a size range to be able to make a sample request.

NOTE: On style level, it will be possible to inactivate specific sizes within the chosen size range. Therefore it can be a good idea to consider making larger size ranges - keeping the amount of different size ranges to a minimum. 

An overview of your size range will be available in the Admin section, under the option 'Sizes'.Sizes

Table of Contents

Setting a Default Unit

It is possible to set up which Unit you want as a default unit when you create Size charts

1. click on the drop-down and select the one you need. It will be saved once you have selected it and will ONLY influence new Size charts.

2. Decide if you want your measures to be written with decimals or as fractions. Fractions is mostly used when working in inches.

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NOTE: You can choose between: Centimeters, millimeters, or inches as your default unit - the unit can be changed on the individual style


Creating a Size Range

1) Click the 'Add size range' button to create a size range.



2) In the new table row, type in the name of your size range and the respective sizes - extra boxes will appear if you add more than 6 size steps.

NOTE: You cannot add or delete size steps to an existing size range at a later stage. Therefore, make sure you have all the sizes you need in different size ranges. Ex. XS-XL and XS-L are two different size ranges, so both need to be created.

Once again, consider making larger size ranges as explained above. 



3) If you want the new size range to become the Default size range, simply slide the toggle to the right to select. 

Note that you can only have one Default size range. 


4) Click the green save icon to save.

Allow Half Sample

If you are working with products that come in pairs, you might have the need to order only a half pair in your sample requests. 

To do this, you need to activate this functionality directly on the Size Range. 

Toggle the slider to the right, to activate for the given Size Range. 



Use Size ID

Once you have saved your Size range you can add Size IDs to every size in the Size Range.

Just click on "Settings" button to the right of the Size Range.


This will show you a pop-up with all the sizes in this size range.

Just add the ID for each Size.

Once you are done click on the "OK" button.


Setting a Default Grading Size

Once you have saved a Size Range you can set if there should be a Default grading size. (This can also be done for existing Size Ranges)

Click on the "Settings" button.

Select the Size you need to be the Default Grading size.

And click on "OK"


Working with Grading Groups

You can set up Grading Groups for each Size Range.


You create the group on the go.

Place your cursor in the Grading Group field where you need to add a group name.

Start typing:

  • If the name you are typing is already created you will see it in the list where you can select it
  • If not - then you will see "Add....." and you can click on that and the new group name will be added to the list and can be used for other sizes in that Size Range


Only those values that you end up actually using in a Grading Group will be present in the drop-down.

You can at any time edit the Grading Groups.

Remember: The values in the drop-down are Size Range specific and will not be available in other Size Ranges.

See how you work with Grading Groups on style level

Working with Advanced Grading (PRO feature)

With Advanced Grading, you can set up complex grading relationships - instead of just using linear grading.

This can be a help for you if you work with products that have multiple sizes in the same size.

There are some basic rules you need to keep in mind:

  • If a Size Range is already used - it is not possible to activate Advanced Grading
  • If a Size range is already used and the Advanced Grading is activated - it is not possible to turn off the Advanced Grading

Activate Advanced Grading

When you open the "Settings" pop-up - you can activate the Advanced Gradings by sliding the toggle to the right.

You will now get the extra options that belong to the Advanced Grading.


Grade Relation

With the Grade Relation, you can define how the single sizes should relate to each other.

You should start by setting the "Grading Size"

You will notice that both "Grade relation" and "Grade sign" automatically adjust to the grading size.


Now you are ready to build your relationships between the single grades.

In the "Grade Relation" column you can for each size set relation to another size.

TIPS: When dealing with trousers of varying inseam lengths, it is generally recommended to grade within the waist sizes. This approach allows you to focus solely on adjusting the inseam measurement for each inseam size.


If you change the Grading Size after you have set the "Grade Relation" these will be cleared.

NOTE: Be careful that you do not set up circular relationships. Delogue PLM will warn you if you try to save.

Grading Sign

The "Grading Sign" is the second part of how sizes should relate to each other.

Default sizes that are lower than the Grading Size will be "minus" and bigger than the Grading Size will be "plus".

But you can change that so that the Grading Sign fits with the Grade relation and you get the right relation between sizes.


Renaming a Size Range

When in edit mode, type in the new name and click the green small icon to save your changes.

Deactivate a Size Range or Delete it

You can deactivate a size range if you no longer need it and it won't affect existing styles.

To do so, select the size range you want to deactivate and slide the toggle to the left in the column 'ACTIVE'.

Remember to save your changes.


If a Size range is not in use anywhere - you can delete it.

Just mouse-over on the Size range in question and click on the Delete icon.

Confirm that you want to delete it.Delete

Integration with your ERP

When working with an automatic integration to other systems, such as your ERP, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind.

  • Depending on how your integration is configured, the ERP may connect directly with your Size Range IDs. This means it will create all sizes within the specified size range, regardless of whether the sizes are active or inactive at the style level.
  • If the integration considers the activation status of sizes at the style level, ensure that your Size IDs match the size naming used in your ERP.