Create custom-made reports with all of your style data, update the data directly in the Style Custom Report and, if needed, extract the data to Excel or CSV
Introduction & Best Practice:
The Style Custom Report is your new "Excel overview". With the Style Custom Report, you can gather information across styles and add data points as columns. Use it both to update data and to check if data has been added correctly. Set up reports with data points for your key account and export the list to Excel. Also use the Style Custom Report when you need to export styles that you are creating in other systems, such as your ERP system, webshop, etc.
Table of Contents:
- Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Creating a Style Custom Report
Step 2: Customize the Style Custom Report - Video Guide
Step 1:
Navigate to Reports > Style Custom Reports
- Click on "Create your first report" (the cross icon in the middle) or click on the yellow star
to make a second or third Style Custom Report
- A pop-up will open. Here you make the first filtration of styles
- Two fields are mandatory: BRANDS and SEASONS
You can choose specific brands/seasons or all of them - You can add more data points from: SUPPLIER, GROUP, CATEGORIES, CUSTOM FIELDS, etc - but it is not mandatory.
- Styles in the states: "published", "unpublished" and "work in progress" are included by default, add more style states under "states"
- Make sure to add a name to your report (top of the pop-up)
- Click Save.
NOTE: you can add more data points and edit the filtration once the Style Custom Report is made - the first filtration is only the starting point and it is up to you how detailed you want to make it at this stage.
NOTE: use the first filtration to limit the data. If you choose all brands and all seasons the report will be big and slow to work with.
NOTE: When you select data from Custom Fields you can select which of the allowed values you want in your data set.
*If you select multiple values for the same Custom Field a logical OR will be used - meaning that it can be one of the allowed values or another of the allowed values.
**If you select different Custom Fields a logical AND will be used - this means that the data set will have the value for Custom Field 1 and the value for Custom Field 2
*** For some data options, you can choose to filter on "blank". This will help you to find styles where you need to add data. Just slide the "Include Blanks" to its green and that option will be included
The Style Custom Report is made and it will contain the following columns by default:
Style logo + Brand + Style Name + Style Number + Supplier Name + Season:If you have added further data points each data point will get a column too
Step 2:
Customize the Style Custom Report
- Navigate to the right-hand side and click on Columns:
- Now it expands and all available data points are listed in the following sections:
* Style Data
* Custom Fields
* Prices (you will need the price role to be able to see these)
* Facilities
* Sample Requests - Select the data fields you want as columns in the Style Custom Report - or deselect what you don't want in the report.
- Click Refresh - (see below for more customization)
Video guide
Create a Style Custom Report:
- Organize your Style Custom Report. Copy, share, filter in, and reorder the Style Custom Report
- Edit style data in the Style Custom Report
- Export your Style Custom Report to Excel or CSV.
- Suppliers and the Style Custom Report