We have made this guide to follow when you are ready to invite your suppliers. Follow the steps below:
1) Create supplier companies
This can be done at any time.
Just don't add any supplier users yet. That we will come in a later step
Here you will find the guide on how to add suppliers.
If you want to add currencies and terms to the suppliers, then make sure that these are created in Admin before adding the suppliers.
In order to work with the style prices, you need to add a currency to the supplier. You can add both currency and terms to the supplier whenever you want.
2) Send out an introductory message to the supplier
Before sending invitations, from Delogue to your suppliers, it's prudent to provide them with an introductory message about the platform. Do it when you are ready to actually start working with the suppliers in Delogue.
It is a good idea to can explain why you have chosen Delogue PLM, how the supplier can benefit from using it, and what will be your first season in Delogue.
Here is a suggested draft for an email to write
3) Finalize the first style specification for the supplier
Make sure you have added all relevant information to the style such as size range, measurements, style files, item variant colors, custom fields, etc.
Remember to add the supplier user as the contact person on the relevant styles/items. You do this in the header of the style/item
4) Invite supplier users
When the supplier has been properly introduced, and you are ready to share some styles with them, then you can invite the users into Delogue. You do that from Admin > Suppliers > add user.
Here you will find the guide on how to invite supplier users.
After the supplier has activated the login you can carry on to the next step
5) Publish the first styles
Now you can publish the first style to the supplier and you can notify him/her. An email with a link will be sent straight to the supplier contact.
Supplier users will only see the published styles, where they are added as suppliers.
Here you will find a guide on how to publish a style.
6) Create a sample request for the supplier
You are now ready to create the first sample request for the supplier.
Here you will find a guide on how to create a sample request.
7) Check up with the supplier
Set up an online call and make sure that the supplier has understood how to use Delogue PLM.
Does the supplier know how to:
- find a style?
- print out a style?
- send and reply to a message?
- add prices?
- change and update sample request?
- use the Dashboard
- make a Style Sample Report.
Here you will find the guide that is available for the suppliers.
Q: The supplier user does not get the invite email
A: Check the spam filter.
If still possible to find the invite email, then contact support@delogue.com (remember to mention which supplier name and supplier email you refer to).
Q: The supplier user cannot activate the login
A: In most cases, the supplier user has already activated the login.
Try to reset the password. Here you will find the guide.
Q: The supplier user cannot remember the password.
All users can reset their own password. Here you will find the guide.