Before sending invitations to your suppliers, it's prudent to provide them with an introductory message about the platform. Here's a suggested draft:
Dear ……..
To enhance the efficiency and quality of our communication and style overview processes for both parties, we have implemented a new Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) platform known as DeloguePLM. This platform serves as a centralized hub where we can seamlessly share all necessary information with you.
DeloguePLM is utilized by over 100 lifestyle companies in conjunction with more than 6000 suppliers. It operates in the cloud and we will extend an invitation to you to join our standardized collaborative environment.
Enhanced Data Sharing and Communication
Delogue PLM offers exceptional communication capabilities, facilitating efficient tracking of all details, approvals, and dialogues for a streamlined workflow. This eliminates the need for tracking emails in the future.
You'll have the ability to download style specifications and files whenever they are required. Additionally, Delogue PLM's support for large file uploads enables us to eliminate the need for services like WeTransfer or Dropbox.
Centralized Communication Channel
It's important to note that all communication should now be conducted through the Delogue PLM platform. This practice ensures that both parties have a comprehensive record of all details, significantly enhancing our collaborative efforts.
When you receive a notification link in your email, simply click on it to be directed to the relevant query.
Getting Started with Delogue PLM
We are excited to invite you to participate in the system for the upcoming XX collection. In the near future, you will receive an email containing login credentials. Please use a personal password that you can easily remember.
Once you have entered your login credentials and saved your password, you can access the platform at any time by visiting in your browser.
If you require additional employees to access the platform, please reach out to xxx (insert your company contact and name). Provide the names, roles, and email addresses of the individuals, and we will extend invitations for them to access the platform.
Next Steps
You have either received or will soon receive an email containing a link to set up your login. Once logged in, you will find all the styles that have been assigned to you.
Utilize the following link to access pertinent supplier training materials:
For any technical inquiries related to Delogue PLM, kindly contact Their team will promptly assist you.
We anticipate that you will find as much satisfaction as we have in having all our collaboration details and data consolidated within a single space. It should take approximately one hour for you to become proficient in using the platform's advanced features.
We eagerly anticipate embarking on this journey with you as a trusted supplier and making the most of Delogue PLM.
Warm regards,