You can create barcodes in Delogue PLM based on the style number, colors, and sizes of your products. With this feature, you are able to import and export your own barcode.
Introduction & Best Practice
In Delogue, it is possible to create SKU's for your products. Once the SKU's are created, you can assign barcodes (also known as EAN numbers) to the product.
NOTE: Users need to have the special role "SKU - Barcodes" in order to have access to the barcodes feature.
Table of Contents
How to Use it
In the Admin section, choose ‘General Settings’ from the left menu and select the ‘Barcodes’ subtab. Here you will be able to choose the format of the SKU and import barcodes.
We will walk you through how to use it:
Choose SKU Format
There are 4 different parameters you can choose to be part of the SKU:
- Style number
- Size
- Size ID
- Colors
Simply click the checkboxes to select the options you want to use in the SKU.

You can drag and drop the rows to set the order to use in the format of SKU.
Additionally, you can use the option to set a delimiter to your SKU (max. 5 characters).
Click ‘Set format’ to save the delimiter. Here, two things will happen:
- A warning message is displayed: "You are about to change the format of your SKUs this will make all old SKUs inactive and generate new barcodes next time you generate SKUs & barcodes on a Style - are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"
- By clicking ‘OK’, a second message is shown: "You are changing the SKUs format are you sure you want to do this?"
- Click ‘OK’ and the format will be saved.
Set up Multiple SKU Formats
You can set up multiple SKU formats, each of which can contain different parameters and combinations of the parameters.
The first SKU format will be called "Default" with default parameters in it.
But you can easily add new SKU formats:
- Click on the green button called "ADD SKU FORMAT"
- Inset the name of the SKU FORMAT
- Save
You can now choose the parameters for the SKU format as mentioned above.
NOTE: If you have multiple SKU formats, the default format will be shown on your styles by default and you will have to manually change the format on the style is needed.
Import Barcodes
You can choose to import new barcodes and already used SKU and barcodes to Delogue PLM. To do so, simply click ‘Choose file’ and upload a CSV file with the first row named "Barcode".

The system will always show a counter of how many "free" barcodes you have left.
This means the number will automatically be decremented by one - every time a barcode gets assigned to an SKU.
If you import barcodes that are already in use, the following message will appear: "Only [#] barcodes imported of the [#of total] in the file."
Log of Barcode Import
Just below the Import section, you will see a table named "Log of Import" this logs every time a CSV file is imported.
This will help you keep track of the files imported, as well as when and who did it. The comments column will provide info about the file status and warning messages.

Next Steps:
Continue reading about the Barcodes module: