Style Custom report

The Main Tag in Style Custom Report

Learn how to include the data from the item tagged with "Main item" in your Style Custom Report

Introduction & Best Practice:

The main item, and its composition, on a style, are vital for filtering and grouping styles.
With the "Main Tag", we provide a straightforward approach to data flow and group filtering in reports based on the main item composition. 

This feature lets you:

1. Create a Style Custom Report with the following information: Main item name, item number, item composition, item supplier 

2. Filter in the report, on Main Item data

3. Export the Style Custom Report to Excel

1. Read here how to activate the "Main Tag" on your platform

2. Read here how to work with the "Main Tag" in your Item list on styles

Table of Contents :

1. Step-by-step guide: How to include "Main Tag" to a Style Custom Report

2. How to Export to Excel


How to include "Main Tag" to a Style Custom Report

  • Navigate to Reports > Style Custom Reports
  • Create a Style Custom Report - Read how to here
  • Navigate to Columnson the right-hand side of the report
  • Select the "Main Item" data you want in the report.
    You have the following options: Main item name, number, composition, and supplier:

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  • Click "Refresh"
  • An example of a Style Custom Report with Main Item data:

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  • By using the filter options at the top of the Style Custom Report columns you can arrange the data as needed:
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How to Export to Excel

The Style Custom Report can be exported both as an Excel and a CSV file

  • When the Style Custom Report is completed navigate to the export icons on the right-hand side of the report
  • Select "Style" and click"Export":

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  • The report is now downloaded to your computer.