In Delogue PLM you will find great overviews of all your samples from a specific customer.
Introduction & Best practice
There are different ways to overview the sample requests made by the customer.
You can use the overviews to follow, view or update the sample requests.
In this article you will learn about the 3 different overviews:
Table of content
Video Guide (English)
In this video, you will learn about the functionalities of the dashboard.
How to use the Dashboard
All styles where you are the contact person will appear on your dashboard - if there are any sample requests on the style.
If you are not the contact person, follow the style using the heart icon and it will also appear in the Dashboard.
Sample request states
In the Dashboard section, under the Sample request sub-tab, you can see all the different states of a specific sample request. Let's have a close look at each state and understand what they mean.
The 'Planned' state allow the brand users to prepare the sample request and book capacity at your sample production facility. Samples in the state 'Planned' is not meant for you to start developing yet, but it gives you an overview of what is planned to come.
You will finde all the planned sample request in the 1st sub-tab.
When the brand changes the state to 'Requested', the sample will appear in the Requested tab. This means that the brand wants you to start developing the sample, based on the given deadline.

Follow below steps:
1. Click on the button at the 'Color/Size' column, to see which colors and sizes are requested

2. If everything is as it should, click the 'Confirm' button to approve the sample request
3. If you can not meet the deadline, suggest a new ETD in the pop-up.
The ETD date will turn red if it is later than the requested deadline.
Once you have confirmed the sample request, it will appear on the 'Confirmed' sub-tab.
If the brand can not accept the suggested ETD, they will change or suggest a new ETD, and you will see the date at once.
Follow below steps:
1. When the sample is ready to be sent, just click on the 'Send' button.
2. Enter the tracking number so it is easy for the brand to track and trace the sample.
In the 'Sent' state, you are able to edit and enter the sample tracking number, if you forgot to do so when updating the state.
When the sample is received at the brand, the sample request will appear in the 'Received' state.
If you have an agreement with your customer about the deadline for when the sample should be commented, you will see the 'comment deadline' column beside the received date.
Once the brand has finalized all their comment to the sample request, they will mark the sample as being 'Commented'.You can now see the sample request in the 'Commented' sub-tab and print and/or export the sample comments.
NOTE: You will only see data from the last 90 days.
Follow the steps:
1. Click on the print icon to print or download the sample comments as PDF.
2. Click on the Excel icon to export the data in Excel-format.
Style Custom Report
The Style Custom Report allow you to make personalized overview of our samples. You can setup filters to limit the amount of samples for each overview.
Filter on data point such as Brand, Season or even Categories.
You can make as many favorite filters as you need.
INFO: Watch our video guide for a short introduction to the Style Custom Report
Create your report
1. Click on the 'Report' tab and select 'Style Custom Report'
2. Click on the big "+" icon to create your first favorite filter.
3. Give your report a name.
4. Set up your filter of style data including mandatory fields such as 'Brand'
INFO: If nothing is selected, then everything is shown.
This means that if you do not select e.g. any style season, then all samples of all seasons will be shown.
5. By default a deadline of -30 days and +100 days is selected in your filter, allowing you to only view the most recent samples.
If you want to view every sample within a specific season, simple remove the deadline filter and select the season instead.
6. Click on 'Save' you create your report.
7. A report is generated with 8 default columns:
- Style logo
- Style Name
- Style Number
- Sample Type
- Status
- Quantity
- Deadline
If you want to add more columns, click on 'Columns' in the right hand side.
Select all needed data.
8. Click on 'refresh' button to add the new data columns to your report.
9. Now you can work inside your report.
How to work inside the Style Sample Report
Filter your data
For most columns in your Style Sample Report, you can apply a filter.
There are different types of filters depending on what kind of column it is.
If you are already familiar with the filters in the Custom Report these will work the same way.
- Drop-down filter
- Numeric filter
- Date filter
If you want to reset your filter, simply click on the 'Clear filter' that show in the yellow when a filter is added.
Reorder or resize your report
You can change the order of the columns that are displayed in your report.
By a simple drag and drop of a column, you can drag it to a new position in your report.
You can also 'pin' the columns you want to have in your freeze pane.
When you create your Report the columns will have default width but you can change this to fit the data in each column better.
Update data in your Style Sample Report
In the Style Sampl Report you will be able to update the data points such as, status, ETD and Tracking number.
You can edit the single sample request line or update multiple sample requests at once by using the 'Bulk update'.
1. Start by selecting the sample requests by using the 'check-boxes' to the left side of the report.
2. A bulk update pop-up will appear
The fields that can be updates are:
- Status
- Tracking number
Sample Request Overview
The Sample Request Overview is a detailed overview of all combinations of Color/Size within each sample request.
Create your report
1) Go to the Report section and click 'Sample request overview' from the top bar.
2) Click on 'Style'
3) Click on the big "+" to create your first report, or click on the 'Star' to add another favorite report.
4) Give your report a name - this will be displayed in the your personal favorite report bar.
5) Setup your filters/criterias for the report.
NOTE: 'If nothing selected, then all will appear' means that the report will show e.g. all samples across all seasons, if no specific season has been selected.
6) Click 'Next' and select the data you want to see in your overview.
Click the check-box to select one and/or more fields.
7) Adjust their order by dragging and dropping the table rows into the order you want for your report.
Use the 'Freeze pane' option to freeze columns. This means that the rows placed above the freeze pane will not scroll when you are viewing the report.
NOTE: The 'Width (PX)' will determine the width of the column and can be adjusted by writing a smaller or larger number.
8) When you are done, click 'Save' and your report will be ready! You will see it on the screen and it will automatically be saved as a Favorite.