Supplier - Sample Requests & Reports
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Supplier: The sample request and communication features in Delogue

As a supplier, you can work with the sample requests and communicate with your customer in Delogue PLM

Introduction & Best practice

Sample requests are the brands request for sample for approval/confirmation. 

It can be everything from the 1st proto sample to the final production or shipments samples. 

In this article you will learn more about how you can work with the samples requested by the brands. 

Table of Content

Sample Request states in Delogue PLM

Listed are all the different sample request states in Delogue PLM described:

Icon State Description Action made by
Skærmbillede 2024-12-04 kl. 20.23.39


Planned Sample is not requested yet.
Planned is used to inform supplier and book capacity.
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Requested Sample is requested to be made. Company
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Confirmed Supplier has confirmed the request.
He can also fill in the expected delivery date.
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Sent Sample has been sent by the supplier. Supplier
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Received Sample has been received by brand. Company
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Commented Sample has been commented by brand. Company
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Cancelled Sample is no longer requested.
You can reactivate a canceled request.


Video Guide (English)

In this short video guide you will learn how to update your sample requests from the style page. 


How to confirm your samples

Once a sample has been requested by the brand, you are able to confirm it by changing the state from 'Requested' to 'Confirmed'. You can also fill in an ETD of when you expects to send the sample.


1. Go to the Styles section and click the 'Sample request' sub-tab:

2. Double click on the sample request to open it, or click on the edit icon.

3. In the pop-window, choose 'Sample status' from the left side menu

4. Find the 'Select Status' field and choose 'Confirmed' from the drop-down menu.

5. Fill in ETD (this is optional) using the calendar icon and click 'Update' to save.

6. Select if you want to notify someone about this change by email. The brand contact person is selected by default but can be removed. 

How to mark your sample af sent

Once the sample is ready to be sent out, you can mark it as 'Sent'.

Make sure to add the measurements from the control measuring of the sample, and add any comments to the sample for each of the Sample Comment fields.

We also recommend that you enter the tracking number of the parcel.


1. Double click on the sample request to open it, or click on the edit icon

2. In the pop-up window, start by adding Sample measures in the column 'Supp. meas.'

3. Add relevant comments and visual comments for each of the comment fields in the sample request. For 'Item placement', you can also mark if the item is available or missing.

4. Go to Sample Status sub-tab and add the tracking number.

5. Change the status to 'Send' and click 'Update' to save.

6. Select if you want to notify someone about this change by email. The brand contact person is selected by default but can be removed.


How to download sample comments

Once the brand has received and commented on the sample request, they will change the state of the sample to 'Commented'. You will receive a notification by email.

Follow the link in the email notification which will open the style with the new comment. 

Download the comments as Excel or PDF. 

PDF print/download: Step-by-step

1. On the right hand side of the style page, you will find a row with several icons - among them is the print icon. 

2. In the pop-up window, checkmark the sample comments options and click 'Print'

3. A print preview will open. 

4. You can now choose to print or save the preview as PDF. 

Excel download: Step-by-step

1. You can also export sample comments to Excel, by clicking the export Excel icon.

2. In the pop-up window, checkmark the sample comments options and click 'Export'

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3. The Excel will be downloaded

NOTE: Comments will appear in a tab per sample request.


Next steps