Feature releases

JULY & AUGUST 2022 release


Released in July & August 2022

Improvements to Measurement Chart

Quick grade

Quickly adjust your grade steps in the measurement chart with the new GRADE column.

Read more here.

Predefined descriptions

You can now set up the descriptions used in the measurement chat over and over, so they are available as a dropdown rather than having to type them every time.

Find out how here.

Size range groups

Long, complex measurement charts? Now you can set up groups so you can work with only a part of the measurement chart at once.

Read all about it here.

Other improvements

Style Custom Report: Edit Custom Fields per colour or size from style custom report

Check out our help article.

Composition order by percentage (follows EU legislation)

We've ensured that compositions are now automatically shown by percentage (high to low).

The order is based on EU label legislation requirements.