Care Instructions

How to set up a Care Label Template

Care Label Template is a layout template that you can build in admin and add to the style. On style level the template will look at the selected style data and add that into the template of your care label.


NOTE: The Care Label section in Delogue is no longer supported. We recommend finding an alternative solution for working with care label layouts.

In this article we will explain how to set up a Care Label Template:

General Information

The Care Label Template is a way of managing your company's care instructions.

You can create a template for a Care Label in Admin > Care Instructions > Labels.

Your company must have the Care Instruction Template module before you can use the Care Label Template function.
The Care Label Template is only for use by Company Admin users.

When setting up your Care Label Template, you will see dummy data. 

It's first when you download the Care Label PDF in a specific style, you will see the correct output. 

You can read more here on how to use a Care Label Template on a Style .

The Structure of a Care Label Template

The Care Label Template is divided into 5 areas. These are Header, Footer, First, Middle, and Last page.

Header/ Footer
The Header and Footer will be visible on all the pages in your Care Label. Although you can decide if you only want to see the header once in your label, by using the Header First Page option.

First page

The First page will be the first page in your care label. Here you can drag and drop the content you want.

Middle page

On the Middle page, you will typically inset your compositions and washing instructions. Even if the Middle page is only one page in the system, the page will be divided into more pages when generating a PDF. 

Last page

The Last page will be the last page on your care label. Here you can drag and drop the content you want.


Create a new Care Label Template

To create and set up a new Care Label Template, you must go to the sub-page "Labels" for Care Instructions, in the Admin section.
Here you will also see a list of existing Care Label Templates. 

Click on the green button "+ Add Template" to create a new Care Label Template.

Add template

You will now see a page, where you define the size of your Care Label.

  • Here you can set up the height and width of your Care Label - including default margin sizes and borders.
  • You can also select the background color of the Care Label and font color - and rotate the care label/ select if it should be portrait or landscape.
  • Please remember to select a name for your Care Label Template.

After setting up the size and look of your Care Label Template, you must focus on the content. 
Click on the green button "Next" at the lower right corner for continuing to set up the Care Label. 

Add Content in the Header and Footer

First, you must add content to the Care Label's Header & Footer, and decide the size of them. 

By dragging and dropping the content options on the left side into the white box, you can decide where the content should be placed - and what the content is about.

Content Categories Explanation
Input text Textbox for free writing of content. You can also decide the font and size of the text
Image Uploading an image from your computer into the Header/ Footer area
Custom Field Adding custom field values to the care label, that will differ depending on the value selected on the style
Page number Show the number of page(s) in the Header/ Footer for the whole Care Label

When you have selected which content the Header and/or Footer should contain, you can decide the size of the content by margins, font size, where on the care label it must be placed, etc.

NOTE: Click on the content categories in the table above to see, how to set up the style of content.

Add Content on the First, Middel and Last Page

Once you have defined and set up the content for your Care Labels Header and Footer, you must add content to the Care Label by clicking on the green "Next" button. 

By drag and drop, you can easily decide where the content must be placed at your Care Label. 
Just move the content option into the white box at left, and decide by settings that show up at right, where the content must be placed. 
Here you can also define the content and add text, images, etc. depending on what kind of content you have added.

Please click on the content categories in the table below, to see how to decide the style of the content.

Content Categories Explanation
Input text Textbox for free writing of content
Image Uploading an image from the computer to the Care Label
Composition Selection of which compositions must be shown in the Care Label
Instruction Selection of which Instructions must be shown in the Care Label
Icons Placement of Icons in the Care Label
Custom Field Selection of which Custom Fields must be shown in the Care Label


Visual Example:

Skærmbillede 2024-07-26 kl- 10-28-22-png

Save the Care Label Template

Once you are done with setting up your Care Label Template, please click on the green 'Finish'-button for saving. 


Edit a Care Label Template 

It is possible for you to edit an existing Care Label Template.
Mouse over the name of the Care Label Template you will like to edit.
Here you will see 3 icons on the right. Click on the first icon - the edit icon.


When clicking on the edit icon, you can now edit the Care Label Template the same way you created it. 

Copy a Care Label Template

It is also possible for you to copy an existing Care Label Template.
Mouse over the name of the Care Label Template you will like to copy.
Here you will see 3 icons on the right. Click on the '+' icon - the copy icon.


When clicking on the copy icon, the template will open and you can now change the content of the copied template.

NOTE: Please remember to click on the green button "Finish" for saving.

Delete a Care Label Template

You can delete an existing Care Label Template.
Mouse over the name of the Care Label Template you will like to delete.
Here you will see 3 icons on the right. Click on the red '-' button to delete.


This will tricker a pop-up message asking you to confirm this action. 

NOTE: If the Care Label Template is in use on styles, it will not be possible to delete the template. Instead you can inactivate the template when in edit mode.

Used in Styles

You can get a full overview of all the styles in a specific Care Label Template used.
Click on the green button 'Used in Style' and you will see a list of all the styles where the template is used.