Now, it is time to use all the workflows you created in the Admin section.
You can add several workflows to any given style, and you can trim them to fit a specific style by either removing some tasks or adding more.
- Add Workflow to Styles
- Add extra Tasks
- Edit a Task
- Delete Tasks
- Working with Tasks
- Filter Tasks
- Sorting
- Filter Columns
In the Styles section:
1) Start by selecting the style you want to add a workflow to
2) Go to the 'Workflow' sub-tab and click the 'Add workflow' button

3) In the pop-up window, select the workflow you need - simply start typing the name of the workflow and a list of the workflows added in the Admin section will appear.

4) Add a deadline (*mandatory) - the system will automatically calculate the correct deadline based on the "Days before deadline" defined in the Admin section

5) Click OK to save. If you need to add more than one Workflow, simply go through the same steps mentioned previously.
When you need to add more tasks specifically for a style:
1) Select the style and click the 'Add Tasks' button

2) In the new table row, fill in the required info: task name, assigned to, deadline and state

NOTE: By default, the system will assign you to the task but you can change this setting. Any tasks you add to your style will not have any influence on the workflow you created in the Admin section - they are only for this specific style.
To edit a task on a style level:
1) Mouseover the task row and click on the edit icon - or double click on the task name

2) Make the changes needed and click the small green icon to save
NOTE: Anything you edit here, it will not affect the Task template in the Admin section - it is specific for this Style.
You can always delete a task - both the ones added to a workflow and the ones you have added specifically to a style. Simply mouseover on the task name and click the delete icon.
Deleted tasks will not affect the tasks created in the Admin section.
When working with tasks, it is important to keep them updated so you always have an accurate knowledge of your process.
You can set your tasks to To Do, In Progress and Done according to your workflow.
Simply use the drop-down menu in the State column for this matter. The system will automatically log who has changed the state of the task and on what date it happened to help you keep track of all information.

It is also possible to remove a task from the 'Done' state and set it back to either 'To Do' or 'In progress'.
On top of the workflow table, you can choose to filter your tasks by hiding all the done tasks and/or choose to only see your tasks. Simply click the checkboxes to apply the filters.

You are able to sort your workflow in any order you want, using the triangle icon on each column. By default, the system sort tasks by 'Deadline' but if it makes more sense for you to sort on something else - you can do it so.
FILTER IN COLUMNSYou can also make a filter for each column - so you change the order of the list of tasks.
1) Mouse over a column name and click on the menu icon

2) Make the filter by selecting data from a list or typing in data.
Click on the apply button