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Terms in Admin Setup
With Custom Terms it is possible for a Company to set up their own terms. Terms both the employees and suppliers will have to accept before they can log into Delogue PLM.
NOTE: To use this feature, your company must have the PRO license subscription
- Go to Admin > Company Info > sub-tab: "Custom Terms"
- click on the pen icon
- Name the terms
- Click on the green button "upload terms" to upload a PDF (only a PDF can be uploaded)
- Click "save" on the green "save" icon
Pls note: Only users with the Admin user role can upload/update terms.
- ALL USERS will be forced to log out if the Terms are updated
- ALL USERS will have to re-accept the terms again if the Terms have been updated
- When the Terms have been updated all logs of who had accepted the terms will be cleared
It is possible for the company Adminto to see a log of when the Company Terms have been updated - simply click on the link in "Last updated"
This will display a pop-up with a list of when terms were updated - it is important to notice that it is NOT possible to view any old versions.

The Company Admin can also keep an eye on who has accepted the terms - this is done in the Log of Terms acceptance.
Here it will be logged when a user has accepted the terms.
The user's Username, Email, and which Company he belongs to will be in the log.
Whenever Terms have been updated - this log will be cleared!

Now it is time for all the Users to accept the Terms LINK