Style categories are used as tags to make it easier to search for specific styles.
We recommend that you use the same category structure as in your webshop. Then, you can easily provide your customers with the data they need for their webshops. You can tag a style with multiple categories, separated by commas and the style will appear in the search of all related categories.
Go to Admin → Categories → select the "Style Categories" sub-tab.
1) Choose the sub-tab 'Style Categories' and click the 'Add Style Category' button
2) In the new table row, type in the category ID and name and click the small green icon to save. The Category name is Mandatory

You can Edit your Category whenever necessary. Simply mouse over the category name and click the blue edit icon - or double-click on the table row.
When in edit mode, type in the new name and click the green small icon to save your changes.
Please be aware
If you are using Integration be careful with changing the ID - it might impact your Integration.
Just like in Groups and Sizes, you can deactivate a style category so it will no longer be selectable for styles. The deactivation will not affect the styles already using this category.
To do so, select the category you want to deactivate and uncheck the option 'ACTIVE'.

If you are absolutely sure you will never need a Style Category ever again - you can choose to delete it.
- Mouse over on the category you want to delete.
- Click on the delete button
- Confirm that you want to delete the Category.
Please notice that if you delete a Category that is used on some style - the Category will still be deleted and its value will be removed from those styles.
If you are going to make an integration with an ERP provider, make sure that the style categories have the same structure as the ERP.