By organizing data in a hierarchical manner, it's easier to maintain data integrity and consistency, ensuring that parent-child relationships are correctly represented.
Introduction & Best Practice
In Delogue we present Hierarchy Custom Fields.
NOTE: To use this feature, your company must have the PRO license subscription
This type of Custom Field can help optimize the daily work, by helping the user to manage large datasets more easily by breaking them into manageable sub-hierarchies.
To get stated - go to Admin > Custom Field.
Table of Contents
Setup Hierarchy Values
- In Admin > Custom Fields click on "Add Custom Field"
- On the pop-up, you select the option "Hierarchy Values"
Create the First Mother Level
- You have to start with creating the first level.
This means that this level can NOT have any mother level.
So you do not enter anything on the first screen in the pop-up.
Click on 'Next'. - The next step is to name the level and set all other needed options - these are just the same as for any other Custom Field.
- Select if you the Hierarchy values should be sorted by ID or Value - this is done by selecting the needed radio button.
- Decide if the Hierarchy Custom Field is needed in the Thumbnail Print "Group by"
- Click on 'Next'.
Add Values to the Mother Level
- Now it is time to add the Allowed Values for your First Mother Level (These are the values the user will see in the dropdown on the style page)
It is important to notice that it is possible to create more than one top-level (Mother-levels)
If you do that - you will have several independent hierarchies.
Create the Next Levels
Now it is time to create the next level in your hierarchy.
- Again you click on "Add Custom Field" and select "Hierarchy Values"
- Now you must select a Mother Level.
- Once you have done that you click on 'Next':
- In the next step, you can name the 2nd level Custom Field and set whatever options you need for it.
- Once done - you click on 'Next'.
- In the next pop-up, you have to select which of the Mother level's Allowed Values you want to create the next-level Allowed Values for - now you are building the tree structure.
In this example, you have to select one of the allowed values that were created in:
1.level - Design features (Mother Level). - Let say that you have selected 'Bottom Parts' - now you need to add the Allowed values within this value:
Here you can click on:
- Previous - will send you back to the previous screen - nothing will be saved
- Close - will close all pop-ups- nothing will be saved
- Save - will save values and send you back to the previous screen
Now you can repeat the process and create as many levels in your hierarchy you like.
NOTE: When adding the values for child-level custom fields, you can only add values within the level that has been selected as the Mother-level for this one.
In the Tree Structure it will be the underlines values that an be selected.
Edit the Hierarchy
You can at any time edit your Hierarchy Custom Fields.
You can edit all the settings including all the values within the Custom Field.
You can even delete Allowed Values you don't need anymore.
CAUTION: If you delete a value that has sub-levels these will also be deleted.
Delete a Hierarchy Custom Field
If you want to delete a Hierarchy Custom Field - you have to be careful.
CAUTION: If you delete a Custom Field that has sub-levels these will also be deleted.
When you do delete a Hierarchy Custom Field - it deletes all its Allowed values and all sub-levels within. This could potentially cause you to lose a lot of data by just deleting one single Custom Field!
This is why any deletion of Hierarchy Custom Fields requires you to confirm the delete operation twice.
Import Hierarchy (API)
It is possible to use an API to send Hierarchy Allowed Values to Delogue. If you use this option, you should not create or change the values in Admin.
Read here for the documentation on how you set up the import of your Hierarchy Custom Fields: Read the documentation.
Now you are ready to start filling in the data on Style level.
Read here how you use your Hierarchy Custom Fields on style level