
Delivery and Payment Terms Setup (optional)

It is optional for you to set up Terms of Delivery and Terms of Payment for your Prices.

Delivery Terms

You can create different delivery terms according to what you have agreed with your suppliers.

Add a Delivery Term

In the Admin section, choose 'Prices' from the left side menu and click 'Terms' from the top menu. Here:

  1. Click the 'Add Delivery Term' button

  2. In the new table row, write the delivery term and click the small green icon to save.

Payment Terms

You can create as many Payment terms you need for you Prices - so that they fit with what you have agreed with your Suppliers.

Add a Payment Term

In the Admin section, choose 'Prices' from the left side menu and click 'Terms' from the top menu. Here:

  1. Click the 'Add Payment Term' button

  2. In the new table row, write the payment term and click the small green icon to save

Add the Terms to Your Suppliers

Once you have created your terms for delivery and payment, you are ready to add the terms to your suppliers.

Go to the 'supplier' section in Admin and the find the supplier in the list of supplier. 

  1. In the supplier header, click on the edit icon or double-click inside the header. 
  2. Find the correct terms in the drop down of each field and save. 


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