Do you want to divide your sample comments into different topics, or do you want everything gathered in one comment field. Setup your preferences in Admin.
Introduction & Best Practice:
Comment fields are used when you comment on sample requests. By default, a set of comment fields have been created (Measurement, Design, Item placement, and finish)
Some brands want to disable some of these and/or create their own comment field.
This can be administrated in the Admin section, under the option 'Sample types' and then the subtab 'Comment fields'.
Table of Contents
- Disable Comment fields
- New Comment field
- Set Comment Field to Internal
- Filter the list of Comment fields
Disabling Comment Fields
1. Choose the sub-tab 'comment fields' and click on the comment field you want to disable.

2. Untoggle to inactivate the comment field.

NOTE: Next time you create a sample request this structure will be used.
All existing sample requests will not be changed - only going forward.
Creating a New Comment Field
1. Choose the sub-tab 'comment fields' and click on the 'Add comment field' button.
2. Enter a name for the new comment field and click on the save icon.

- You can drag and drop the order of the fields, which will be reflected when you are commenting on your received samples.
- This change will not happen on all existing sample requests, but it will be added the next time you create a sample request on a style.
Setting a New Comment Field to Internal
It is possible to set the new Comment fields that you have created - to Internal.
The default comment fields that Delogue PLM always provides - can not be set to Internal.
This means that your Suppliers will always be able to see these, unless they have been made inactive.
Any Comment Fields created by you, can be set to Internal - then your Suppliers will not be able to see these.
1. Slide the toggle to the right on the Comment Field you want to make Internal.
2. Click on save to save the new setting.

NOTE: This change will not happen on all existing sample requestes, but it will be reflected the next time you create a sample request on a style.
Filter the list of Comment fields
If you have multiple Comment field created, it is possible for you to filter the list to easily find the comment field that you are looking for.
1. Mouseover the name of a column you want to add a filter on.
2. Click on the three lines icon. From here a small pop-up will show up.
3. Here you can search after data that are in the column.
NOTE: It is possible for you to make an 'And'/ 'Or' option.
4. For saving your filter settings, you must click on 'Apply'. You can always remove the filters again by clicking on the 'Reset' button.