Update data via Import

Item Details data update via Import

Item Details data update via Import

This will update the color cards on the Item detail page. 

See how to Import and where to select the type of Import: HERE


The following columns are the default ones - with a description of where to find the data.


Headers in Excel Explanation
Example of data
BRAND:   The Item Brand name in the Item Header  
ITEM NAME:   Item Name in the Item Header  
ITEM NO:      Item No in the Item Header  
STATUS:  Status in the Item Header  
SUPPLIER ID:  Supplier ID can be found in Admin->Supplier under the respective Supplier company      
COLOR ID: Will be included in the Library color string  
COLOR ID2: Will be included in the Library color string (if ID2 is used)  
LIBRARY COLOR: Is found on Item->Details color card. Please see the illustration below  
COLOR NAME: Is found on Item->Details color card. Please see the illustration below. Is not related to the color library  
COLOR REF: Is found on Item->Details color card. Please see the illustration below. Is not related to the color library  
COLOR APPROVAL: Is found on the Item->Detail Comment pop-up. Please see the illustration below
  • Approved
  • Not approved
ACTIVE: Is found on Item->Details color card. Please see the illustration below
  • Yes
  • No
COLOR COMMENT: Is found on the Item->Detail Comment pop-up. Please see the illustration below  
COMBO NAME: Is found on Item->Details color card. Please see the illustration below  

How to find color info on the Item->Detail subtab. When you add a Color to your Item Detail you can see this

And this is where you would find the Color Comment and the Approved. Still on the Item Detail subtab. Click on the small Comment icon and you can see both the Approval check box and the comment field.


These columns are mandatory to enter data in - if you don't do this - the import can not work.

  • Brand
  • Item Name
  • Item No
  • Supplier ID - if it is on your style it's mandatory
  • Color Approval
  • Combo Name


With the update feature - it is possible to update the following fields:

  • Color ID
  • Color ID2
  • Library Color
  • Color Name
  • Color Ref
  • Color Approval
  • Active
  • Color Comment


If you are updating with a Combo Name that does not exist on your Item Detail it will be created.

You can set Color ID and Color ID2 if your company is using the option "Use this color library for items"