- Knowledge base
- Styles
- Create styles
How to handle double sourcing
When copying a style from the style header, all the information is copied - including the supplier of the style. But now, you can select a new supplier for the copied style.
Simply click on the copy icon and in the pop-up window, use the drop-down menu to choose the new supplier.

You can choose to keep the style name and number when copying a style. Simply checkmark these options on the Copy Style pop-up window.
When selecting the 'Keep name' checkbox, the text field 'Style name' will be disabled and the style name will be copied. The same happens if you checkmark the 'Keep number' option.
NOTE: Newly copied styles will be the Primary Style - but you get to decide if you want that - by choosing from the Primary Style pop-up - read more about Primary Style here
And this feature is not applicable when 'Unique style number' and 'Auto-generate no' options are set to 'No'.