
Color Groups

Organize your colors into specific color groups.


For e-commerce searchability purposes, it can be useful to assign a color to a color group. For example, if you want your customer to be able to search for all blue color variations of a product.

NOTE: To use this feature, your company must have the  PRO license subscription

Set up Color Groups in Admin

In Admin > Colors you find the sub-tab called Color Groups.

Here you or the Color Admin can create the Color Groups you need.

A Color group will normally be the main group of colors - like Blue, Red, and so on.

When you click on on "Add color group" button you will get a new row in the table and you can create a Color Group, give it a name, ID (if that is needed for your ERP), and set it to active or inactive.

Assign Colors to Color Groups

It is now possible to assign every single color to a Color Group.

Simply click on the edit icon and select the needed Color Group from the drop-down.

If you need it - a color can be assigned to more than one Color Group.

Remove Colors from a Color Group

Click on the Edit icon.

Then click on the tiny "x" next to the Color Group you want to remove your color from

Delete a Color Group

In case you want to delete a Color Group - this can be done.

But if the Color Group in question has any colors assigned to it - you will be prompted to transfer these colors to a different Color Group.

Only when colors are transferred will the Color Group be deleted.


  • You will ONLY see your Color Group in Admin - it will not be displayed anywhere on your styles or items.
  • It will be exported with your XML or web service.
  • And you can export them as an option in your Custom Report.