Care Instructions

Care Instructions - Webinar

In this webinar, we will explain how you can unlock efficiency in managing care instructions with Delogue.

In the webinar, we will give you a step-by-step walkthrough of:

ADMIN Settings: Explore Icons, Layers, Instructions, and more for streamlined management.

Integration & Reporting: Learn how to set preferences for reports and system integration. Simplify importing and exporting care instructions.

Style-Specific Care Instructions: Manage and optimize care instructions for each style. Understand the approval process from requesting to final overview.

Workflow Optimization: Make your care instruction management efficient and error-proof.

Resources shared in the webinar:

Care Instruction Import Template

Template to Care Instructions icons

Important: Notice the following for downloading icons

The textile care label icons are in many countries including Denmark – in various combinations – a registered trademark of GINETEX/COFREET. Use of the icons requires pre-approval by GINETEX or an appointed national committee. Use of the icons might require payment in some countries. Contact GINETEX at or a national committee at”.

Settings for Care Instruction output to Style Custom Report export and integration:

Settings for Icons Output

Icons care labels

Settings for Composition Output


Settings for Instructions Output
