We have launched a new export option "Custom Export", where it is possible to extract data to FTP in XML format.
Along with this, we will no longer add new content (from new modules) to the previous XML to FTP service, that is used by some of our customers. The service will though still be maintained.
We have made some improvements in the new XML format to align it with our JSON format.
Therefore there will be slight differences, that need to be taken into consideration when changing the import job from the old XML format to the new format.
We have listed them here:
- <delogueExport xmlns="[Delogue URL]" exportDate="[Date / Time stamp]"> will not appear in the new XML
- a <Styles> has been added before <Style>
Description | Old XML tag | New XML tag |
<delogueExport xmlns="[Delogue URL]" exportDate="[Date / Time stamp]"> | N/A | |
N/A | <Styles> | |
<style> | <Style> | |
Delogue ID | <id> | <Id> |
Style state | <state> | <StyleState> |
Style name | <name> | <StyleName> |
Style number | <number> | <UserDefinedId> |
Description | <description> | <Description> |
Link to the style | <url> | <URL> |
Style header image | <pictureUrl> | <PictureUrl> |
Company name | <company> | <CompanyName> |
Brand contact person | <contactPerson> | <CompanyContactPersonName> |
Brand | <brand><name> | <BrandName> |
Brand ID | N/A | Brand ID will come? |
Supplier | <supplier><name> | <SupplierName> |
Delogue Supplier ID | <supplier><id> | <SupplierId> |
Supplier ID | <supplier><supplierId> | <UserDefinedSupplierId> |
Supplier country | <supplier><supplierCountry> | <SupplierCountry> |
Supplier country ISO code (2-digit) | <supplier><supplierCountryID> | <SupplerCountryID> |
Primary style | <supplier><primary> (Yes/No) | <IsPrimary> (true / false) |
Supplier contact person | <supplierContactPerson><name> | <SupplierContactPerson><Name> |
Supplier contact person email | <supplierContactPerson><email> | <SupplierContactPerson><Email> |
Supplier contact person status | <supplierContactPerson><active> (Yes / No) | <SupplierContactPerson><Status> (Yes / No) |
Supplier facilities | N/A | <SupplierFacilities> |
Season | <season><name> | <SeasonName> |
Project | <project><name> | <Project> |
Season ID | N/A | Season ID will come? |
Group | <group><name> | <GroupName> |
Group ID | N/A | Group ID will come? |
Style Categories | <categories><category><name> | <Categories><Category> |
Style Categories ID | N/A | Category ID will come? |
Ready for export status | N/A | <ReadyForExport>(true / false) |
Style file name | N/A | <StyleFiles><StyleFile><FileName> |
Style file URL | N/A | <StyleFiles><StyleFile><URL> |
Style file status | N/A | <StyleFiles><StyleFile><Status> (Active / Inactive) |
Style file colorway ID | N/A | <StyleFiles><StyleFile><ColorwayId> |
Style file colorway ID2 | N/A | <StyleFiles><StyleFile><ColorwayId2> |
Style file colorwayname | N/A | <StyleFiles><StyleFile><ColorwayName> |
Style Colors | <styleColors> | <StyleColors> |
Style Color ID | <styleColors><styleColor><id> | <StyleColors><StyleColor><Id> |
Style Color ID2 | <styleColors><styleColor><id2> | <StyleColors><StyleColor><Id2> |
Style Color Name | <styleColors><styleColor><name> | <StyleColors><StyleColor><Name> |
Color Reference | <StyleColors><StyleColor><pantone> | <StyleColors><StyleColor><ColorReference> |
Color Status | <StyleColors><StyleColor><status> (Active / Inactive) | <StyleColors><StyleColor><Status> (yes / no) |
Color Note | <StyleColors><StyleColor><colorNote> | <StyleColors><StyleColor><ColorNote> |
nColor Languages ID | <StyleColors><StyleColor><colorLanguages><colorLanguage><languageId> | <StyleColors><StyleColor><ColorLanguages><ColorLanguage><LanguageId> |
nColor Language name | <StyleColors><StyleColor><colorLanguages><colorLanguage><languageName> | <StyleColors><StyleColor><ColorLanguages><ColorLanguage><LanguageName> |
nColor Names in Languages | <StyleColors><StyleColor><colorLanguages><colorLanguage><name> | <StyleColors><StyleColor><ColorLanguages><ColorLanguage><Name> |
Color Group name | N/A | <StyleColors><StyleColor><ColorGroups><ColorGroup><Name> |
Color Group ID | N/A | <StyleColors><StyleColor><ColorGroups><ColorGroup><Id> |
Color Group status | N/A | <StyleColors><StyleColor><ColorGroups><ColorGroup><Status> (yes / no) |
Size range name | <sizeRange><name> | <SizeRangeName> |
Size range ID | <sizeRange><sizeRangeId> | <SizeRangeUserDefinedId> |
Size range unit | N/A | <SizeRangeUnit> |
Size name | <sizeRange><sizes><size><name> | <Sizes><Size><Name> |
Size ID | N/A | <Sizes><Size><Id> |
Size status | <sizeRange><sizes><size><status> (Active / Inactive) | <Sizes><Size><IsActive> (true / false) |
All measurements ID | N/A | <AllMeasurements><AlMeasurement><Id> |
Description of measurement line | N/A | <AllMeasurements><AlMeasurement><Description> |
Position of measurement line | N/A | <AllMeasurements><AlMeasurement><Position> |
N/A |
<AllMeasurements><AlMeasurement><Measurements><Measurement><Size><Id> | |
N/A | <AllMeasurements><AlMeasurement><Measurements><Measurement><Size><Name> | |
N/A | <AllMeasurements><AlMeasurement><Measurements><Measurement><Size><IsActive> (true / false) | |
Measurement value for given size | N/A | <AllMeasurements><AlMeasurement><Measurements><Measurement><ComputedValue> |
Grading value for given size | N/A | <AllMeasurements><AlMeasurement><Measurements><Measurement><Value> |
Tagged measurements | N/A | Need new xml file to check this |
Item list - Delogue item ID | <items><item><id> | <Items><Item><Id> |
Item list - Item name | <items><item><name> | <Items><Item><ItemName> |
Item list - Item number | <items><item><number> | <Items><Item><UserDefinedId> |
Item list - Item description | <items><item><description> | <Items><Item><Description> |
Item list - Item supplier name | <items><item><supplier><name> | <Items><Item><SupplierName> |
Item list - Item supplier Delogue ID | <items><item><supplier><id> | <Items><Item><SupplierId> |
Item list - Item supplier ID | N/A | <Items><Item><UserDefinedSupplierId> |
Item list - Brand name | <items><item><brand> | <Items><Item><BrandName> |
Item list - Quality description | <items><item><compositions><composition><name> | <Items><Item><Compositions><Composition><Description> |
Item list - Item composition | N/A | Need new xml file to check this |
Item list - Quality additional description | <items><item><compositions><composition><description> | <Items><Item><Compositions><Composition><Composition> |
Item list - Weight | N/A | <Items><Item><Compositions><Composition><Weight> |
Item list - Weight unit | N/A | Need new xml file to check this |