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Style number generator

Learn how to use and setup the style number generator in Delogue.

Why use a style no. generator?

Some companies define a certain logic when generating the style number. Other companies pick a serial number to make sure each product has a unique autogenerated number. 
If not using a style number generator one will most likely need to keep track of used numbers in a separate Excel sheet which is not very handy and is too much manual. Especially if you are multiple people creating products at the same time.

Please be aware that this article explains the new style number generator in Delogue. There is an older feature located in the Company Info which should not be used anymore.


How to use the style no. generator in Delogue

In the ADMIN section, you can hit the button 'Setup style number' as shown below. 

It will open the setup window where you can define the logic of the style number generator.
The first checkbox defines whether the feature is activated or not. You can always select to temporarily disable the generator if you need to adjust something manually.
This is only recommended as an ADMIN in Delogue - to avoid users turning on/off without notice.

Consecutive digits:
Defines the number of digits in the serial key that should be a part of the style number. 3 means 001,002, etc - which means 999 options within that range.
It is worth considering how many styles will be created in that certain range, to make sure you specify enough digits. It is also recommended to consult the ERP partner regarding max. number of characters/digits. The style number is a part of the SKU number (Style number + color + size) which potentially could be a long string that is not supported by the ERP system.

Insert value:

In this field, the logic is designed. You can select from the range of standard Delogue fields as well as custom fields. The IDs of the fields are also selectable as it's normal to use only numeric values and ids in the style number.

You can select one or more fields and the 'consecutive digits' should be a part of the string.

Only used when creating a style:

If this one is checked the style number is open for manual edit after the style is created. It is recommended to avoid this check, as it opens up the option for users to make mistakes and change style numbers by mistake. 
This could potentially have a huge impact on integrations to ERP.
By leaving this checkbox not checked - it is possible on existing styles to change numbers with respect to the defined logic of the styles number.


When you click next you go to a new screen in the wizard where you have two options:

1. Use same serial number for all styles
This selection will use the same running number going forward. Meaning it will never restart the counting of number. If selecting this option it's important to consider that you have enough digits availble for all future styles (meaning 4 or 5 as a minimum) - depending on the defined logic with other ID's connected.

2. Use multiple serial number for all styles
By using this check (as shown in the screenshot below) you can have several serial numbers. For example you select to restart on each season, so every new styles in a season is 001, etc.

Best practice:

Style number logic is often a complex discussion with a large number of stakeholders. People from the supply chain would argue that you should be able to determine as much info as possible from the style number (category, season, etc) - which often will make the style number longer. One disadvantage in making it too advanced is in case the category structure is changed. It would mean that the style number should be changed, which has a huge impact on the business and will require new barcodes, data conversions, and other trouble.
If you add a season ID to the style number it could potentially give challenges on carryovers/rerunners as the style number will often be kept into the new season and then don't follow the logic (season ID).

Delogue recommends to keep the style number as simple as possible - using a 5-6 serial key only. The style do have many attributes which can be used for search, filter and sort - so the same options are still possible the in the system.