Other Features


What extra features are included in a PRO license?

Upgrade to PRO and get access to the features below

Adobe Illustrator plugin

- Create and update style files directly from Adobe Illustrator
- Upload files directly to the style

Advanced price templates
- Setup freight, taxes, etc., and let the value depend on, for example, the supplier country

- The BI-module can show data in graphical ways (compare seasons, GM%, color 
counts, price points, etc, etc)

API integration
- Be able to integrate through API
- Be able to set customized API to multiple systems (including e-commerce data from 
measurement, care instructions, etc)

Barcodes & Assortments
- Import Barcodes and add them to your styles in Delogue
- Create assortments

Batch action - sample request
- Create sample requests for a whole collection or list of styles in one go
- Publish styles at the same time

Care instructions with multiple languages
- For E-commerce purposes

Color Group
- Place your colors in main color groups, for searchability E-commerce purposes

Compliance Module (part 1 released in Oct 2023)
- Handle your scope, transaction, and product/item certificates in Delogue
- Keep track of expiry dates of certificates
- Make test reports with ratings

Hierarchy allowed values
- An advanced type of custom fields that can be built together as a product hierarchy to ensure 
'correct' entries'

- Be able to link measurement charts together if they share the exact same measurement 
- Make tags on key measurements for e-commerce and export data via API integration

Style/Item name and number generator
- Advanced ability to create style/item numbers with logic
- Advanced ability to create style/item names with logic

Thumbnail print - more possibilities
- Be able to print collections overviews, pricelists, etc
- Group your styles by custom fields

Work in Progress
- Set a style to “Work in Progress” after it has been published