Make it possible to use inches instead of centimeters or millimeters both in the style Size Chart, and sample requests. Write your item units as fractions
Introduction & Best Practice:
In some regions, size charts are made in inches instead of centimeters or millimeters. Enable this option in Delogue and make it possible to convert a Size Chart from centimeters to inches and vice versa when working.
Also, create units that can be written as fractions - for example, 1/4 - instead of numeric values.
Table of Contents :
Make it possible to choose inches in the Style Size chart and decide if you want them shown as fractions or with decimals
Navigate to Admin > Sizes
- Set the "default unit" to Inches
- Toggle "SHOW AS FRACTION" to the right-hand side if you want the inches to show as fractions
NOTE: all new Size Charts will now, by default, be created using inches as the unit.
But you can still change the unit to centimeters or millimeters on style level.
Navigate to: Admin > General Settings > Units
- Click "ADD UNIT" in the right-hand corner
- Add the unit name as you wish: inches / inc. / In. / Inc.- or any other name of your unit
- Toggle to the right (yes) to be able to write the unit as a fraction when used.
- If no is selected (toggle left) the unit will be considered numeric and you will not be able to write fractions for example in the default quantity on items
- Click "Save"
The choices you have made will now affect the work in the following areas:
- New Size Chats on Style level will now, by default, be created with inches as the unit. But you can easily change it to centimeters or millimeters if you prefer that.
- Also grading steps + deviation will be in inches
- If "Shown as fraction" has been chosen you now have the option to see size measurements, grading steps, and deviation in fractions (example: 2 1/2) instead of numeric values (example: 2,5)
- Sample request size measurements will be shown in the same way as chosen in the Size Chart.
- Wherever a unit can be added, you can now choose to write the value as a fraction (example:1 1/2, instead of 1,5)
- Places where units can be written as fractions are: Item header, item default QTY, Item quality details, item custom report (and its exports), Style item list QTY, Style and item prints, Style Excel Export
NOTE: in units, you can change from, for example, cm to a unit with fractions (ex: inch) but the value will not be converted - only the writing of a unit will be changed.
Example: unit is 10,50 cm, then it is changed to a unit, for example, "inch" with fractions, and it is now written as 10 1/2 inch.
So make sure to change the value yourself
Read more about how to work with inches and fractions on styles here