It is possible for you to import Admin Color data into Delogue PLM.
You do that by importing an excel file with the needed data.
- You will have to be Company Admin and have the Import role in order for you to Import data
- You can not Import or Update without using the Color ID
- If your company uses Color groups - these have to be created in Delogue PLM before you attempt any kind of import or update
- If your company uses multiple languages - these have to be set up in Delogue PLM before you attempt any kind of import or update
- When using the templates and excel files - it is important that you do NOT change their headers. If you do - you can not make the Import
When you want to import new colors in the Admin-Colors section - you should start out by downloading the Excel template.
This template will contain the correct columns you need.
Simply click on the "Download Template File" button and the excel file will be download.

You will now get an empty file that looks like this (this is for a Company that uses both multiple languages and Color Group)

You type in all the color data you need and save your excel file.
Here it is important to notice that the column "Active" will set whether a color is active or not:
- "0" means the Color is InActive
- "1" means the Color is Active
Also, notice that the column Color Group can have more than one value if the color belongs to several Color Groups.
Color Group1,Color Group 2 - like in this example "Blue,Green" It is very important that there is NO space between "," and the next name.
Please also notice - that the Name of a Color Group is case sensitive. This means that Green and green are two different Color groups.
Now you go back to Delogue PLM and click on the Import Colors button.

Once the import is done - a log will be created that will inform you how many colors were created.
You can of course combine the creation of new colors with updating old ones - please see the next section on how to Update Colors.
You can also update your Color library by importing an excel file with the updated data.
To do this - you should download the excel file with all the existing color data.
Simply click on the "Download Excel File" button.

You will now get an excel file with all the data from your color library - that looks like this (this is for a Company that uses both multiple languages and Color Group)

You type in all the color data you need and save your excel file.
Here it is important to notice that the column "Active" will set whether a color is active or not:
- "0" means the Color is InActive
- "1" means the Color is Active
Also, notice that the column Color Group can have more than one value if the color belongs to several Color Groups.
Color Group1,Color Group 2 - like in this example "Blue,Green" It is very important that there is NO space between "," and the next name.
Please also notice - that the Name of a Color Group is case sensitive. This means that Green and green are two different Color groups.
Now you go back to Delogue PLM and click on the Import Colors button.

Once the import is done - a log will be created that will inform you how many colors were updated.