This feature allows your Company Admin to bulk upload Style header pictures to multiple styles in one operation.
- To use this feature, your company must have the PRO license subscription
- Your styles must have a style number
How Does it Work?
First of all, make sure your Company has access to the Import Module and that your Company Admin also has the Export/Import Role.
Make sure that your filenames matches your style numbers in Delogue, as these that will be the connecting parameter. If they don't match - nothing will be imported.
Once you have this module your Company Admin will have access to the Import Style Header Image area in Admin > General Settings > Header.

- Click on the "Import Style Header Image" button a standard upload dialog box will open.
- Selects the files you want to bulk upload - use the multi-select method you normally use.
- On the upload dialog box - Admin clicks OK
- This will display an extra info pop-up before the import happens - so that you can make sure it is indeed the correct files that is being imported.
- Clicks on "OK" and the import starts.
Depending on the size and amount of files - this will take some time.
If the filename and style number does not match
In the below example, an image was imported with a file name that did not match a Style Number - because of this an error log has been produced.
The log will always show:
- Date of the import
- Who did the import.
- How many files were uploaded from the total of attempted uploaded files.
For each upload error, the file name will be listed, and a reason for the error.

Succesfull import
If the import was succesfull, the style in question (2019-08-16A) will look like this - with its newly imported Style Header image

Rules for upload
- A single file can NOT be bigger than 1GB - this will result in the upload not taking place
- Are there several styles with the same Style Number - they will all get the same Style Header image uploaded
- Are there several files with the same name - then the one uploaded last will be the one getting saved
- The import will overwrite whatever Style header image that was already there
- Only files with the allowed file extension will be uploaded. Allowed file types:
- .png
- .jpg
- .jpeg
- .gif
TIPS: Make sure you have a strict structure of the files you want to upload - otherwise you will end up making mistakes.
NOTE: We recommend that you DO NOT have multiple files with the same name - as this may confuse you on what file will actually be uploaded - but this will NOT make the upload fail.