The Compliance Module

Compliance module FAQs

In this article you will find all the most frequently asked questions concerning the compliance module and its future releases.


Q: Can I filter certificates based on purchase order numbers (PO#), certificate type, supplier, or season in the Certificate Filter?

A: Unfortunately, as of now, you cannot filter certificates using PO#, Certificate Type, Supplier, or Season directly in the Certificate Filter.

However, you can implement e.g. a Season Custom Field and then filter based on this Custom Field.

Q: Are there any limitations when it comes to logging test results on item color-level or style color-level in Test Reports?

A: Currently, we do not support logging test results at the item color-level or style color-level in Test Reports. To work around this limitation, you can create a separate test report for each color being tested.

Q: Is it possible to order samples for testing directly from the Compliance module?

A: At present, there is no direct feature in the Compliance module to order samples. However, you can employ a workaround by creating a new sample type and location for each lab.

Q: Are there plans to develop a Compliance tab for Items?

A: While we have not yet developed a Compliance tab for Items, you can access item test results for items in the Bill of Materials (BOM) under the Style - Compliance tab. Currently, there is no specific timeline for the development of the Item Compliance tab.

Q: Are there any upcoming adjustments to the header in test reports, such as changing from "Valid from, Valid to, and Expiry notification" to "Requested, ETA & Completed dates"?

A: Yes, we have plans to adjust the header in test reports to display "Requested, ETA & Completed dates" instead of "Valid from, Valid to, and Expiry notification." This change is expected to be implemented in 2023.

Q: Can suppliers access and add data to the Compliance module?

A: Currently, suppliers do not have access to the Compliance module, and they cannot add data. There is no specific timeline for developing this feature at the moment.

Q: When will Workflows be available for certificates?

A: Workflows are going to be released in end of October.

Q: Are APIs available for the Compliance module? 

A: APIs are not yet available for the Compliance module, but it is a priority to have them and our team is working hard on this.